
2002 Tenuta San Guido, Sassisicaia

Producer: Tenuta San Guido – Sassicaia

Region/Appellation: Bolgheri

Country Hierarchy: Italy

Grape/Blend: Cabernet Franc – Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine Style: Red – Bold and Structured

Alcohol Content: 13.5%

Tasting Notes: Deep garnet with some brick at the rim. Lots of forest floor, mushrooms, nutty and super-complex but no longer any primary fruit. A little bit of coffee. Very mature on the palate with a definite Marmite (yeast extract) flavour and yet still a fruit sweetness. Rounded but still keeps its shape. Cool and fresh on the finish. Needs drinking fairly soon but not falling over. Some olive savoury notes and a rounded finish.

Delivery charges are based on weight,  the number of bottles, and calculated on Check Out.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg