Ta’ Betta Jean Parisot 2018

£45.00 £45.00

Only 1 left in stock


Jean Parisot 2018

Producer: Ta’ Betta Wine Estates

Region/Appellation: Girgenti

Country Hierarchy: Malta

Grape/Blend: Chardonnay

1 Bottle: 75cl

Tasting Notes: This oak-fermented Chardonnay is a tenacious and complex wine that conveys apricot, white fig and vanilla to balance the acidity and alcohol. This is a big wine, somewhat amber in colour, reflecting the hot climate and ripeness of the fruit.

Delivery charges are based on weight,  the number of bottles, and calculated on Check Out.

Awards: 2024 was the first year Ta’ Betta entered their wines into the London Wine Competition. The 2020 Jean Parisot was awarded Bronze. Details of the award is listed here.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg