Alexandre Penet ‘Ex Ante’ Champagne

£31.50 £31.50


Alexandre Penet ‘Ex Ante’ Champagne

Producer: La Maison Penet

Region/Appellation: Champagne

Country Hierarchy: France

Grape/Blend: Champagne Blend

Wine Style: Sparkling – Complex and Traditional

Alcohol Content: 13.0%

Tasting Notes: Ex Ante is a particularly well-balanced aperitif cuvée, with subtle notes of brioche on account of it having been bottle aged for a minimum of two years, with a delicious fruitiness and a subtle vinosity, without excessive sweetness, which invites you to celebrate and offers the perfect “prelude to the main event” for all to enjoy!

Delivery charges are based on weight,  the number of bottles, and calculated on Check Out.

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg